The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund Board adopted the updated Everything for the children of Kansas Early Childhood Strategic Plan on August 2. Updates to this plan are the result of years of work and collaboration among state agencies to collectively improve our state’s early childhood programs and services.
Since 2018, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) has worked with the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF), and many other early childhood partners to comprehensively assess and meet statewide early childhood needs. Thousands of Kansas residents from across the state and from every county participated in the first comprehensive needs assessment for early care and education programs and services, which led to the launch of the first statewide Everything for the children of Kansas strategic plan in 2020.
The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund applied for and received additional federal grants for preschool development under the Birth to Five program to implement and update the strategic plan. The updated Everything for the children of KansasThe strategic plan is divided into three pillars: ecosystem, workforce and work environment, and experiences of children and families.
On August 15, Amanda Petersen, director of early childhood education at KSDE, will provide an update to the Kansas State Board of Education on the current status of these activities and how they feed into strategies to ensure that all Kansas students enter kindergarten at age five socially, emotionally and academically prepared for success.
There are many opportunities for communities, schools and individuals to advance this work. Visit the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund website to register to attend monthly webinars, receive weekly email updates or provide feedback.