Black Butlera cult anime that has captured the hearts of fans for over a decade, returned this year, continuing the adaptation of the famous manga after a seven-year hiatus. The series’ triumphant return was rewarded with a panel at Anime Expo, attended by the famous Daisuke Onowho made the character of Sebastian popular; Yoshito Itothe producer who was responsible for the revival of the series; and Kenjiro Okadathe director of the fourth season.
Despite their busy schedules, the three guests granted Anime Trending a few minutes of their time to sit down and talk about Black Butler. series and what it meant to them to see longtime fans cheering at Anime Expo 2024.
Anime Trending: Thank you for joining us today. This first question goes to Yoshito Ito-san. The first season of Black Butler aired in 2008, almost two decades ago. Why do you think the series is still relevant and resonates with fans more than 10 years later, especially now that the competition in the anime space has become more intense?
Yoshito Ito: During the first season, I was on the production team but had different tasks. I handled the beginning and end of the series, and I was also in charge of the marketing materials such as the merchandise to be sold and advertisements in magazines. When I was in charge of the marketing materials, I really got an insight into what fans respond to and like. I gathered that knowledge, and when I was in charge of the fourth season, I used that information. Throughout the process, I thought to myself, “The fans probably wouldn’t forgive me if I released this,” or “This is probably something the fans would like.” If the fans like the last season, they appreciate the knowledge I gained previously, and it makes me happy to have implemented it for the fourth season.
My next question goes to Kenjiro Okada. Black Butler has already had many seasons, but this is the first time you’ve directed this project. How did you go about it and did you find it difficult to take the helm?
Kenjiro Okada: When Ito-san originally talked to me about directing the new season, I realized I needed to dig deeper. I had watched the anime before, but when I took over directing, I started to really focus on the manga series to properly interpret the world, atmosphere, and portrayal of the story.. For me, rediscovering animation through the original works was the key to designing the new season.
Has anything changed for Daisuke Ono between your experience as Sebastian seven years ago and now? Especially considering the experience you’ve gained in the world of voice acting since then.
2018-09-23 11:36:31 When I finished the last film, I was very satisfied. I thought, “I did what I could do.” Since then, I’ve heard the voices of so many other characters from other shows and have been able to explore other variations of my acting. So when I had to play Sebastian again, I really had to dig deep and ask myself, “Where is Sebastian’s voice? How do I get it out?”
I actually found Sebastian again through Ciel. Hearing Ciel’s voice really brought Sebastian back from within me during the recording sessions. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the recording sessions are sometimes done separately for each character. Luckily, we were able to plan the voice acting sessions together. This allowed me to really bring Sebastian back to life.
I: Director Okada-san specifically requested that this be done.
OK: I was pretty insistent that they always record their scenes together this season.
Ono: Thank you for this insight and your persistence.
I also shamelessly admit that I screamed when I first heard you return as Sebastian.
Ono: Exactly – make noise!
Can you give us a few final words for the fans of the series, especially since it was already announced at the panel that the next arc is coming?
I: When you make animation in Japan, it is really hard to see and say how many fans around the world are full of anticipation and this overflowing love for Black Butler. Even though people around us say, “It’s amazing!”, it’s still hard to know what the fans really feel. Coming here, especially here at Anime Expo and at the panel, I was able to hear and experience that love in person, and I feel like you can only experience it in person to understand it. It changed a lot in me and touched me so deeply. I now believe it’s my mission to take that back to Japan, tell my team what it was like, and use it as a driving force for the future.
Okada: When we published information about Emerald Witch I was so surprised at the reaction at the panel and very touched that so many people were expecting this. I’m excited to go home and work really hard on it. I want to bring a completely different style and concept to the upcoming season. I hope to create something new and bring it back to the fans.
Ono: Coming to Anime Expo and seeing the fans with so many faces here in Los Angeles was a very special moment for me. We made them wait a little longer than expected. Honestly, it was a very long wait and I feel kind of guilty about it. But I really want to keep going to meet the expectations of all these fans who have been loyal to us for over 10 years. What am I if I can’t meet their expectations? After all, I am “a damn good butler”. It has ignited a new fire in all of us here to keep going and deliver something spectacular every time.
Black Butler‘s fifth season, the Emerald Witch Bowreturns next year in 2025. Let’s all wait with bated breath as the dedicated team returns to Japan to work on it!
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