The most likely cause of damage to your home
It is the biggest investment of your life: your home. It is the place where your family grows old together and creates memories. It is where babies grow up and where you spend your holidays. Your home is your castle, no matter what size or shape it is. If it is yours, it is your very special place. But you don’t want your home to be damaged.
So what is the biggest cause of damage to homes in New Jersey and across the country? You can see it, but you can’t really touch it: It’s the wind. According to a report from Market Watch, Travelers Insurance says “wind damage” is the most common cause of damage to homes. According to data from insurance company Travelers, “Wind damage is the leading cause of home insurance claims, ahead of hail, water, theft, fire and others. And yet it’s one of the things many of us do the least to protect our homes from,” says Scott Humphrey, second vice president of risk control at Travelers. “People don’t think about wind that much.”
“Wind can damage your home in a number of ways. The most common damage, says Humphrey, is: wind dislodging tree limbs and hitting the house, wind lifting roof shingles or damaging windows and doors, and wind throwing things like patio furniture and other loose items into your yard.”
Now that we know that storm damage is the most common cause of home damage, let’s look at how we can protect our homes from storm damage. According to the Market observation Article you can help reduce storm damage by performing simple tasks around your home.
- When a storm approaches, secure your windows
- Bring garden furniture
- Secure your garage with vertical braces
- Remove hanging branches
- Repair or replace loose or damaged roof shingles
In addition, the article added “The good news: Storm damage is covered under most standard home insurance policies. Gusner says that for homeowners in coastal and hurricane areas, storm damage may be excluded from the policy. “If you find it’s excluded, get a separate storm policy,” she says. Even if storm damage is covered, be sure to find out about the deductible.”
Therefore, make sure that your home is protected from storm damage.
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