Connie Chiume, an acclaimed actress known for her role in the Marvel film “Black Panther,” has died at the age of 72. Chiume’s outstanding career includes numerous awards and unforgettable performances in various productions.
Chiume rose to prominence in 1989 with her role in the popular South African television series “Inkom’ Edla Yodwa”. She further cemented her reputation with notable performances in “Rhythm City”, “Zone 14” and most recently “Gomora”.
Chiume portrayed Zawavari, a member of the Wakandan Tribal Council, in the 2018 film Black Panther. Her most recent role was in Heart of the Hunter, which was released earlier this year.
In addition to her film and television work, Chiume was recognized for her performance in the television series “Soon Comes Night” and received several awards, including the NTVA Avanti Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series for her role in “Soul City” in 2000.