Meta-owned WhatsApp is reportedly set to introduce a new feature that will allow users to express their appreciation for status updates with a simple “like” reaction. This addition, which is similar to Instagram’s story likes, is intended to simplify the process of acknowledging and interacting with content shared by contacts.
According to reports from WABetaInfo, the Like Reactions feature is currently being tested by public beta users and has been in development for some time. Users can like a status update by tapping a heart emoji icon in the bottom left of the screen when viewing the update. This action triggers a notification for the status updater informing them of the new like. Additionally, users can see who liked their status via the usual view list.
This new feature offers a convenient alternative to connect with people without having to start a full conversation and is expected to gain popularity similar to Instagram story likes, which have become a popular way to interact.
Importantly, status likes do not clutter chat conversations as they are displayed separately from chat threads. This ensures that important conversations are kept at the forefront and are not impacted by status interactions. Users will still be able to respond to statuses as before, with no changes to this functionality.
The feature is being rolled out to users with the latest WhatsApp beta update, version, available on the Google Play Store. WABetaInfo expects it to be gradually rolled out to a wider audience in the coming weeks.
The instant messaging service is reportedly developing a new feature that will allow users to have real-time voice conversations with a chatbot, according to WABetaInfo. In addition, the company plans to introduce further improvements to enhance the capabilities of Meta AI’s voice functionality.
The report states that the new Meta AI voice chat feature is under development and has been observed in WhatsApp beta version for iOS. Users are expected to be able to choose from a number of default Meta AI voice options to answer their queries.
Voice chat mode is not activated automatically; users have the option to end the voice conversation at any time. In addition, they will receive confirmation that Meta AI has stopped listening to their request via the privacy indicator on iOS that shows when the microphone is in use.
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Published: August 16, 2024, 22:57 IST