Tom Dock, Director of Communications at Noah’s Animal Hospitals, joined us to discuss an important day – Black Cat Appreciation Day, which takes place on August 17th.
This day was first celebrated in 2011 by Wayne H. Morris as a tribute to his sister and her black cat Sinbad.
During our discussion, Tom touched on some common superstitions and myths about black cats. Have you ever heard that it is bad luck if you see a black cat?
This belief dates back to medieval Europe, where black cats were believed to be omens of doom or even witches in disguise.
However, in many other cultures, black cats are considered symbols of luck.
The ancient Egyptians, for example, worshipped them as gods and the Japanese and Irish believe that a black cat is a sign of prosperity and luck.
Tom also talked about the misconception that black cats are less likely to be adopted from shelters. While it’s true that black cats often spend a little more time in shelters than other cats – an average of 26.5 days compared to 20 days for others – it’s not because of their color.
Studies show that it is more about the sheer number of black cats that end up in animal shelters.
So why not visit your local animal shelter to see if a black cat – or other pet – would be the perfect addition to your family?
If you are unable to adopt, consider volunteering your time or making in-kind donations.
Animal shelters are always happy to receive items like pet food, towels, blankets and cleaning supplies.
Let’s show our black feline friends some love on Black Cat Appreciation Day!