(MENAFN) Following the arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder and CEO, the messaging app’s global popularity has seen a remarkable upswing. According to a report by TechCrunch, citing data from market research firm Sensor Tower, there has been a significant increase in Telegram downloads worldwide. On August 26, the number of Telegram downloads on the iOS platform increased by 4 percent compared to the previous day. In France, where Durov was arrested over the weekend, the app climbed to the top position in the social networking category and secured the third place among the most downloaded apps overall.
In the US, Telegram has seen a notable rise in the app charts, briefly reaching the second spot among non-gaming apps before settling back in third place. This rise in rankings is indicative of the app’s increased visibility and user interest following Durov’s arrest. App Store rankings are influenced by various factors, including the number of installs and download speed, which contribute to an app’s overall ranking.
Furthermore, as reported by TechCrunch, data from Appfigures shows that Telegram climbed to number two on the US social networking charts as recently as Monday around 3 a.m. EST. This suggests that the impact of Durov’s arrest on Telegram’s download numbers may not be over yet and the boost in popularity may be temporary.
In a related development, French prosecutors have announced possible charges against Pavel Durov. The Russian entrepreneur, who also holds French, United Arab Emirates and St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship, was arrested at Paris-Le Bourget airport on Saturday. A French judge has twice extended Durov’s detention, with Paris prosecutors pointing out that his arrest is part of a wider criminal investigation into an unnamed individual. The charges Durov could face range from aiding and abetting drug trafficking and money laundering to promoting the distribution of child pornography.
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