A couple with a strange business plan are behind bars in Virginia after trying to get clean by selling stolen Tide detergent “like drugs” in Stafford, according to the sheriff’s office.
09.08.2024 12:55
Toddrick Bowens, 30, of Upper Marlboro, and Sonia Bonilla Hercules, 19, of Falls Church, were charged after they were caught with drugs and over 100 bottles of laundry detergent that they planned to resell.
According to a spokesperson for the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office, officers were called to Lowe’s in the 1300 block of Stafford Market Place late Wednesday afternoon, August 7, to investigate a theft in progress.
Employees said a man was pushing a cart full of Tide Pods out of the store, and when he arrived, emergency responders were able to detain Bowens near his still-running vehicle.
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During his captivity, Hercules attempted to intervene, according to investigators, and was also taken into custody.
Further investigation revealed that Bowens had also stolen from Lowe’s in Fredericksburg and Tide Pods from Home Depot in Stafford and Spotsylvania.
A total of 104 stolen Tide products valued at over $2,325 were seized.
” data-original_data = “PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0iZS1pbm5lciI+PGltZyBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vZWRnZS5kYWlseXZvaWNlLmNvbS91cGxvYWQvU2NyZWVuc2hvdF8yMDI0LTA4LTA5X2F0XzEyLjI3 LjExUE0ucG5nP3dpZHRoPTE3NDAmYW1wO2hlaWdodD0xMDAwIiBjbGFzcz0iZS1lbWJlZGRlZC1pbWFnZSI+PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0iZS1tZW RpYS1pbmZvIj48ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSJlLWNhcHRpb24iPgogIDxwPk1hcnlsYW5kIG1hbiB3YXMgZm91bmQgaW4gcG9zc2Vzc2lvbiBvZiBvdmVyIDEwMCBUaWRlIGRldGVyZ2VudHMuCiAg CjwvcD4KPC9kaXY+PHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9ImUtbWVkaWEtY3JlZGl0Ij5TdGFmZm9yZCBDb3VudHkgU2hlcmlmZjwvc3Bhbj48L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj4=” data-photo-id=”3300698″ data-preview_url=”https://edge.dailyvoice.com/upload/Screenshot_2024-08-09_at_12.27.11PM.png?width=350&height=350″ data-testid=”article-embedded-element” js-embedded=” ” js-module=”DeferUntilLCP”>
During the investigation, Bowens presented his plan to officers.
According to the sheriff’s office, he admitted to “stealing enough to be in handcuffs” and told officers he planned to sell the detergent outside a laundromat “like drugs,” which is ironic since he was also caught with “a little (drug) paraphernalia.”
Bowens and Hercules were also found to be in possession of controlled substances. Additionally, Bowens was found to have been driving under the influence of drugs.
Bowens was charged with:
- Two counts of shoplifting;
- Two cases of theft;
- Possession of stolen goods with intent to sell;
- Driving under the influence;
- Possession of controlled substances;
- rejection.
He is being held at the Rappahannock Regional Jail on a $6,500 secured bail.
Hercules was charged with possession of a controlled substance. She is being held on $2,000 bail.
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